Vulnerabilities have always been one of the top concerns before organizations of all sizes. The need for applying corrective patches to prevent the vulnerabilities comes attached as another challenge for them. Reportedly, a vast majority of information security attacks take place on known vulnerabilities. Meanwhile, nothing could deter the new vulnerabilities from pouring in.  

A number of organizations rely on automated vulnerability scanning tools to detect security flaws and misconfigurations. However, the reality is that most CIOs and CTOs are now drowning in the results of scanners. They are so overburdened that they find it out of their reach to fix vulnerabilities before it is too late.

So, where is the headway?

The Problems with Vulnerability Fatigue

CTOs and CIOs are struggling to prioritize, manage and mitigate their cyber security risks due to the sheer volume of vulnerability data generated by the scanning tools. This, alongside the increasing volume of new applications being added to their IT environment.

It is estimated that there are between 10 and 15 technologies designed to detect vulnerabilities. There are hundreds or even thousands of vulnerabilities in today’s technology environment, and organizations have no idea what to do about them.

Why? The answer is twofold.

First problem: Silos Between Security and Development Teams

Two fractions often have different goals for success. As much as possible, software developers utilize automation to speed up their processes to achieve innovative software products. Security is typically not their top concern. Whereas the security team tries to ensure that code is secure and free of vulnerabilities. By doing so, the final software offering is more likely to be secure, but it can also slow down development.

This is just one kind of friction, there can be many more that can turn into battles affecting the quality of products. As a result of this system, organizations need to take steps to ensure the teams learn more about each other and break down barricades.

Second Problem: Many Tools, Usability Not Clear

Each tool is different from others and has its own way to work and this is one of the major problems that occur where the lack of standardization between scanning tools usually appears. Whenever an organization works there is not one but many results that appear. Of course, if you are comparing an orange with orange then how much difference will you find? You can never find the real problem and solution to it.

Duplication of vulnerabilities is a roadblock that makes communication difficult.Each tool presents a new set of vulnerabilities and the communication gap makes it more complex.

Is There a Solution? Yes.  

  1. Strengthen the Cyber Security

A combination of people, processes, and technology with security measures can promise respite. An intelligent and automated engine is at the core of this system. A robust cyber security system  can gather data from your security tools, analyze it, and normalize it so you can remove duplicate entries, detect weaknesses, and assess the risk level. It identifies which problem pertains to which unit and what needs to be done to fix it. The problem is automatically sent to the appropriate person via your ticketing system upon identification and solution. There is no requirement for the dedicated team to handle it as the central engine does that all automatically.

  1. Human mind together with technology works wonders

As mentioned above finding a solution lies in the amalgam of people and processes, technology only is not required. People we understand but what about the processes?

Imagine that the developer teams and the cyber team have a service level agreement that any critical vulnerabilities will be patched within 10 hours and that three high-level vulnerabilities will be fixed every sprint. A team’s goal is to ensure that security is given enough time throughout each sprint.

  1. Remember, Securing the Business is Everyone’s Responsibility

Cyber security and testing include the process that must be done within a day like scanning every code before deployment. Here the developer is responsible for figuring out how to do this including why’s and what’s in it. He is going to allow the tools and the process to be followed. By doing this security testing becomes something more than the manual process. This means that security is an integral part where the developer and the whole department attached is equally responsible for it.

  1. Brilliant Coding is More Secure and Safe

As said security is individual responsibility and especially the developers are accountable to it. This means it is imperative for them to do their job correctly for which making the secure code is important and the secure & good code will automatically prevent problems from occurring. This is a kind of new approach and a step to think beyond shifting left. 

Is your organization now ready to tackle vulnerability fatigue?

By educating themselves on this and implementing the changes slowly, is a very smart way of letting the organizations invest some time in inner development. As a result, your organization will have a new beginning and be freed from day-to-day security issues. Rather than sinking under the weight of vulnerabilities, cyber security can help people take on a new direction.

About the Author

Written by Infiwave Solutions