We’re all exposed to a down-to-the-wire competition. The software industry has no escape either. Delivering a software with ground-breaking features may not be enough. You need to maintain the quality and deliver a consistently better experience throughout the customer’s lifetime value.
Sustaining on the quality of products takes all the nerves. This places software testing, or rather, end-to-end testing at the epicenter of all software.
End-to-End Testing- Understand what it is to use at the jiffy!
To ensure the right behavior of the application it is important to test the entire software product from beginning to end. This lets us know that all the pieces work together and product system dependencies. This testing clears the end user’s experience by working on the real user scenario and checking the system again with testing.
Customers look for a faultless product and the whole responsibility comes to the Quality Assurance team whereby performs several testing. End-to-End testing is an imperative method of ensuring the accurate functioning of applications from the front to the back end. Through this testing, you can check the real-world scenarios and keep yourself at the customer’s level, what problems they might face. Test engineers can understand:
- Deep check and understanding of the entire flow of the application
- Different sub-system involvement by increasing the test coverage
- Early detection and resolving the issues enhance efficiency
End-to-End Testing- Know the benefits
- Most reliable and widely adopted testing: It ensures the system is production-ready without any kind of risks involved.
- More test coverage expansion: With the different sub-systems involved in the process, the testing coverage increases covering what has been left earlier.
- Ensuring the flawlessness of the application: At the point of initiation, testing is done to make the software error-free thereby reducing the chances of bugs.
- Reduction of the time and cost of the process: Well, this is an imperative part of why testing is done? The main motive is to identify the bugs and breakdowns in each step and fix issues ASAP. This makes the process seamless.
- Early detection of bugs with solutions: It confirms the application’s health. From the front end to the back end, performance in every environment is checked and tried to make it healthier.
End-to-End Testing- Coverage to many groups
Software systems these days are very complex and interconnected with various subsystems, if any part of the system fails then the whole system will crash adding a major risk to the whole, to avoid this end-to-end testing is imperative. E2E testing is done to test the functionality and performance of an application and is useful for many groups. Developers, testers, and managers are all benefited from this testing. Know the little details about it:
- Developers enjoy the offloading testing to others
- Testers avoid problems and achieve real-world testing
- Managers to understand how failing tests impact the users
End-to-End Testing Examples- How it works
End-to-End testing is most requires in the process that includes multiple numbers and several levels of transactions, the whole system with multiple steps gets difficult to manage. Like if you are in Banking Industry or if you have tried stocks then a Demat account holder will purchase the share and give any amount to the broker, no matter whether the account holder has profit or loss. All the transactions are reflected in the account and this whole process has risk management. Here if testing is not done then there might be many times when a customer can stick in the process.
This is a little advanced, when it comes to basic then you can check the voice recording application. Here you just need to record for a minimum of 10 seconds and a maximum of 5 minutes where pressing the button, recording on and off to saving the whole 4-5 steps process is done seamlessly. Here testing should be done from different platforms like iPhone and Android.
End-to-End Testing Lifecycle- Imperative to understand
The lifecycle of end-to-end testing refers to the process that has specific steps ensuring the quality goals team has set to provide the best product in a planned and systematic way. Test planning, test design, test execution, and results analysis are the four components of the testing where specific tasks, specifications, generation, scheduling tests, analysis, execution, evaluation, and performance are all includes in the lifecycle.
End-to-End Testing- When and Where it is most needed?
We are completely in the digital world where the modern system is allied with several sub-systems. These all subsystems are somewhere similar making the process more intricate and sometimes impacting the whole system and even collapsing. With E2E testing the whole process gets easy and brings out the utmost accuracy.
- Testing ensures the accurate working of the application dependencies. It also checks the communication smoothness between the systems.
- Backend gets big support with the testing as it verifies the database that is important for the application core functionality.
- An application having multiple tiers and complex architecture makes E2E testing mandatory to verify the whole functions and interaction between each stage.
- E2E testing becomes necessary if the application is based on SOA- Service-oriented architecture. For successful working, all the components need to work in tandem.
What Should You Do Next?
Before making any commercial discharge of the software, it becomes essential to understand the process, metrics, and functioning. End-to-End testing plays an important role by testing the entire application exactly like the real-world users making the application flawless and seamless before the final release in the market. Looking at the importance of E2E testing it has to be premeditated from the very beginning as the end can be disastrous. Prepare it at the earliest thus saving your time, efforts, and resources.
About the Author
Written by Infiwave Solutions