Know How Well your App Performs at Peak Loads, Redefine the Experience Beforehand

Performance and Load Testing

Performance Testing is a commitment. It is an end-to-end solution entailing planning, scripting, executing, and reporting - whether you are developing or upgrading a web application, mobile app, or website.

Performance and load testing experiences can be extended to a wide range of software applications, including online, mobile, client-server, and cloud databases. Overall, this solution orchestrates your commitment to deliver high performance timelessly.

Our Performance Testing Services for a Great UX

Our qualified Performance and Load Testing specialists conduct thorough investigations in order to provide realistic recommendations for performance enhancements.

To assess software dependability during peak loads, our specialised Performance team employs cutting-edge technology such as in-house accelerators, bespoke dashboards, and pre-deployed Cloud injector machines. These approaches allow us to provide a high-quality service to our clients quickly and at a low cost.
There are three primary reasons for performing performance testing.

Our Methodology for Performance Testing

Performance testing for software applications and systems is carried out at InfiWave to identify particular needs and compliance concerns. It is our job to ensure that your software product offers flawless functionality under heavy demand so that it may be used in real-world operations.

Our Performance Monitoring Approach

The following steps are involved in the deployment of the performance monitoring approach.

Performance Testing Services at Infiwave

Load Testing

We evaluate system behaviour at varying loads to find bottlenecks and accurately identify the parts that are causing them.

Stress Testing

We expertly analyse a software application's resilience under severe demand in order to detect any flaws and prevent system damage.

Benchmarks Testing

Here we compare performance testing findings to performance metrics that have previously been established in accordance with industry standards.

Regression Testing

We ensure extensive regression testing so that there are no performance changes in the programme as a result of recent updates.

Continuous Performance Testing

We employ a combination of continuous testing and load/performance testing to discover complicated performance and load management issues.

Scalability Testing

We take a deep note of the application's capabilities and identify the performance concerns in the face of increased user onboarding.

Stability Testing

We test the application's stability over a long period of time in order to evaluate downtime risks and improve maintenance procedures.

Performance Engineering

We ensure proactive, end-to-end performance testing by monitoring performance engineering which involves seamless communication among teams, procedures, and tools.

Database Volume Testing

We establish the relationship between a system's database size and performance, with the goal of highlighting slower execution as the database grows.

What Sets us Apart from Our Competitors ?

Load generation approach modelled to realistic traffic patterns from various ISPs for all client-facing apps, available on demand via the cloud.

Performance analysis using Performance Analyzer tools to collect preliminary conclusions on both the client and server sides

Subject Matter Expertise in the form of  in-house teams to give in-depth analysis and suggestions

Adaptive engineering skills to quickly respond to dynamic market needs