Managing a business efficiently is impossible without a solid foundation and sound planning. A compelling business approach is necessary for its rapid growth. IT and software development have played a large role in shaping the industry well, thanks to their phenomenal growth. As a result, the teams have been able to shed a little stress and pressure away from their shoulders. Project delivery has become fast-paced, efficient and more measurable.

However, as the software delivery pipelines become more complex, QAOPs emerges as a powerful solution for coping with the need for an even better speed, quality and measurability of software delivery.

Let’s take a closer look at QAOPs.

How QAOps Framework Works?

Teamwork, delivery workflows, and processes have improved immensely with QAOPs using the DevOps principle allowing the IT operations and software developments without sacrificing the quality of a platform or application. For the long-term approach, an integrated delivery model from Quality Assurance with IT operations is important.

QAOps framework is based on the following principles:

  • Development and quality assurance engineers working together more effectively
  • DevOps and continuous testing integrated with CI/CD pipelines
  • Defines, integrates, streamlines, and removes silos between QA and DevOps

The QAOps model integrates quality assurance throughout the software development lifecycle (SDLC), rather than testing and QA, which are typically the final checkpoints before release. QA teams are assigned more responsibility in QAOps. They can advise and analyze future development cycles, identify bugs early, and speed up delivery with this information.

QAOps Streamlines the specific testing processes

A traditional software development model indicates communication gaps between QA and development teams. Quality Assurance Orchestration (QAOps) goal is to enhance collaboration and eliminate the gap between engineering practices. That’s how QAOps looks in its entirety. Next, let us see how QAOps can enhance specific testing processes.

  • Automated Testing

Automation testing is incomplete without QAOps. Test engineers can measure test results faster using automation testing by automating mundane tasks in the testing process. Quality assurance engineers, however, should thoroughly understand all the details of the product before creating an automation framework to ensure conformance to objectives, goals, and functionality and can also use test data to recommend what should be done next. The quality feedback loop is accelerated as a result. Then the QA team can decide which automation tests to perform. Automated tests assist in achieving product goals while reducing test time and generating relevant test data.

  • Parallel Testing

In parallel testing, multiple instances of an application or its components are tested simultaneously across different browsers and operating systems that greatly decrease test times. Therefore, it is ideally suited to CI/CD and QAOps. Larger hardware and infrastructure are required for parallel tests that generate and process heaps of data. It helps in effectively managing a sudden increase in data processing load that occurs when numerous simultaneous tests are conducted.

In addition to CI/CD pipelines, teams can also run smoke tests and automated tests concurrently depending on the server capacity. Flasky tests can be easily identified this way and by identifying flasky tests early in the SDLC, teams can eliminate them.

  • Scalability Testing

Changing the testing loads for a scalability test allows you to determine the performance of the system or application under varying conditions. Results of the tests indicate how the system or app will perform at the scale desired. In a CI/CD model, data is essential since tests need to scale up and down with the pipeline.

In such situations, automating tests is easier. The application provides engineers with the ability to save models, steps, objects, methods, and features. As well as reusing them in future tests, they can also maintain a history of what was saved. By automating the process of building the components, new tests can be developed more easily and with less complexity. QA teams must ensure that their test infrastructure is appropriately scalable.

  • Smoke Testing

Tests that verify the quality of a product are also known as smoke tests. A smoke test can be used to determine how stable a build is. To stop developers from installing a broken test build when bugs or features aren’t fixed, testing is paused. This tool saves developer’s time.

It Integrates QA and Development

QAOps can leverage the above testing methods. Integration of end-to-end QA processes throughout your CI/CD pipeline is one of the most important steps for setting up a QAOps framework. QA engineers and product designers should collaborate to identify UI/UI issues as early as possible. This will make everyone’s job easier. Software development and testing can be more efficient when teams collaborate from the beginning.

Why QAOPs is the next big thing in Development

The current market scenario can only see QAOps becoming the next big thing soon since DevOps is already on the rise for most companies. They need to understand how this process works to be prepared. These instructions also apply to employees.

Through a set of trusted QAOps processes, software companies will be able to deliver faster, without compromising quality, and enhancing the user experience will be a win-win situation for both parties.

Summing Up

QAOPs Process makes it easier for software development companies to achieve their goal in the current market, where they are constantly competing with each other. It helps in automating processes including software development, IT, and QA for faster and more reliable delivery. It offers the next progression that delivers quality at speed. Companies benefit in several ways by incorporating testing methods into QA operations.

About the Author

Written by Infiwave Solutions