If you could heal yourself from any obstruct situation, wouldn’t this be immensely beneficial for you? This is something really important that can help you in adapting to the change and increasing efficiency and productivity. In the last couple of decades, the world has shifted all the manual efforts to automate in software testing to achieve quality quickly and with less risk. Especially in this competitive digital era quality at speed is gaining attraction.

The value of automation in today’s world is greater than ever and automation has reduced human errors. The whole journey gets more enticing with the out-of-the-blue technologies like Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning.

Why automation testing is necessary?

Gone is the time for manual testing, when hours are spent on each data to rectify.  Now it is the tie of verifying and configuring the issues to resolve them.  When your organization is truly set up and you want to run it with test automation, you rather want to invest in better tools and servers and hire the infrastructures. These costs are quite significant according to work. In these automated tests cost of failure is reduced.  It saves a lot of time and effort because automated testing is quite faster than manual tests and less labor-intensive.

Applications of ML and AI in testing- impacting the software all together

  1. Detecting and differentiating mobile app crashes that can automatically index the software after the PR crash has been verified. With this test, engineers can focus on valuable tests such as memory leak detection and troubleshooting JNI integration.
  2. Perfection is something inexistent and not 100% attained and this is the reason why best developers and testers write error-filled codes degrading the quality and efficiency. Herewith the ML and AI-based tools examine the codes in real-time, identify the errors and simultaneously make corrections.

Artificial intelligence and Machine learning have evolved the domain of automation in testing. There are some real-life examples of this domain like self-driven cars, bots, and Alexa. These all show that AI and ML are influencing our lives. Testing tools like Appium, EggPlant, Katalon Studio, Selenium, Test Complete, Testsigma, Tosca, UFT, etc. are used. The best testing results can be derived from smart test automation tools.

  • Self-healing for test automation
    Testing automation scripts break at every step of change and an automatic self-healing system was used this time for maintaining the test scripts. The program automatically detects the changes and fixes them without human intervention.
  • Auto-generation of test scripts
    Highly skilled programming languages such as Java, Python, Ruby, etc. are used in developing automation test scripts. The process is complex and time-consuming, and if this is automated with scripts, then the development is reduced by 50%. If we add AI and Machine Learning technologies, then the process becomes more straightforward.

Benefits of automation testing- count in numbers, benefits in abundance

  1. Automation testing aims to reduce testing efforts and deliver the capability faster by automating the process of testing software. Many companies use the leverage of automated testing in the development process. It can bring a myriad of benefits to your organization like
  2. Minimal chances of failure- initial cost of automation testing is not too high. By the time organization, improve and you want to invest in better tools and at this time you feel the need for automated testing where you see the reduced number of failures rather than the increased cost.
  3. Foundation for Continuous Integration and DevOps- these two form the basis of automated testing and this is to be tested automatically. The developers with these two prioritize fixing the tests that build ensuring that the mainline code continues working.
  4. Accuracy and reliability is the main reason why automated testing is done. Manual testing is of course prone to mistakes in each running test and each test needs a different execution. Using automated tests, the process is completed with precision and delivered in a shorter amount of time, and error-free.

Challenges faced in testing- the road is not that easy

  • The maintenance of effective communication between teams is a big challenge for the success of test automation in agile and DevOps practices.
  • The selection of the right testing tool is important for successful testing. A company can select the tool based on applications separate from web and mobile.
  • The QA team should properly plan and adopt an approach with the tool and ensure the success with tools following the test automation challenges and practice is important.

Test automation utilizing AI and ML is the newest buzz in the city that is forcing businesses to utilize it as an essential part of their testing and development procedure. Please share your comments and feedback below if you found this article helpful.

About the Author

Written by Infiwave Solutions