The Rise of Mobile App Testing in the Wake of 5G Network 5G has emerged as a game changer across industries – promising high performance, agility and speed of delivery. Before proceeding anywhere further, we need a basic understanding on the antecedents of 5G and its impact corresponding to the technology changes unfolding in the Cellular Industry. Here is a brief overview of the preceding cellular technologies.
1G Analog Introduced in the 1980s, simple calls possible with a data speed of 2.4 Kbps 
2G GPRS Introduced in 1991, the first digital cellular network with a speed of 50 Kbps
3G UMTS Introduced in 1998 with 2 Mbps speed. It started the wave of smartphone with some pictures and video calls.
4G LTE Introduced in 2008, current wireless technology with HD live streaming, gaming and more with speed of 100 Mbps.
  And here comes the legend of 5G! The advent of 5G marks an important turning point in wireless communication history. In less than two years, 5G will be the apex of mobile connectivity, with faster data sharing and connection speeds that will enhance the smartphone experience. 5G technology is a boom, it will slay the industry with incredible speed.  Despite what may feel like a wave of innovation in recent years, wireless networks are relatively unchanged in the past decade because of the network infrastructure that makes our favorite apps work. In the years following the turn of the millennium, telecommunications companies deployed 4G networks to inspire revolutionary applications, providing swift downloads of gigabytes of data in minutes (rather than the hours it took users of 3G networks), enabling smooth video conferencing, high-definition video streaming, and wireless hotspot proliferation in the 2010s. With everything the fourth generation (4G) has accomplished, cloud computing has caught the attention of the industry thanks to the fifth generation (5G). Do you remember 4G’s blazing speed? 5G has been measured at speeds up to 1 terabit per second, more than 65,000 times faster than 4G. As software developers and businesses alike demand consistent data transfer rates, 5G technology is bound to enhance their opportunities. Fifth-generation networks count on several benefits, bringing a turning point in connectivity: 5G bandwidth may even reach 20Gbps – some estimates predict that it will reach significantly higher rates than 3G, 1 millisecond latency is extremely low, IoT systems will benefit from the ability to connect many devices simultaneously. The following benefits are a result of all these features:
  • Streaming 4K content
  • Video and images in higher resolutions
  • All networks can be integrated into one platform
Smart sensors and Internet of Things devices should be harnessed more effectively, especially in complex industrial systems. Some of the industries that will benefit most from new networks:
  • Logistics and delivery
  • Healthcare
  • Smart cities
  • Gaming and entertainment
The impact of 5G on mobile app development seems to be amazing. Let’s look at what 5G will bring to the software and mobile development worlds, and how developers can integrate their products with the emerging 5G infrastructure.
  • Embedding IoT seamlessly
With 5G, IoT can be implemented on a much broader scale through the development of apps for various types of connected devices. Smart gadgets, portable devices, and sensor-based equipment will be interconnected through these applications. As a result, they will consume less power and operate at optimal speeds. AI and machine learning can also be used to make apps smarter by combining 5G with AI and ML. With more and more connected devices being adopted, the user experience will become smarter and more seamless. A robust technology like 5G on mobile apps can drive high revenues, in a nutshell.
  • Videos are streamed more quickly
Media-rich user experiences are expected with 5G-powered applications. Video streaming will be revolutionized by technology due to its high-resolution capabilities and faster speeds. By reducing latency, video apps will run more smoothly. An uninterrupted viewing experience will be ensured by longer battery life. It’s a great opportunity for developers to highlight their products and services in high-performance 4K videos in the app. Users also stand to benefit!
  • Augmented reality and virtual reality integration opportunities
A lack of network connectivity has prevented developers from incorporating AR and VR into their mobile applications on a large scale. In order to build an enhanced user experience, 5G promises the speed and efficiency of data transfer. Due to 5G’s low latency and high bandwidth, these apps will run smoothly with no worries. The higher volumes of data will be processed much faster, resulting in more interactive and engaging experiences. Retail, eCommerce, automobiles, and sportswear can be impacted by AR and VR technologies that allow consumers to choose and customize products that are in perfect harmony with their tastes and needs – all from their handheld devices.
  • A brief overview of immersive technology
Mobile applications based on 3D and immersive AR may be boosted by 5G. The mobile app development industry will witness a game-changing technology. From immersive gaming to 3D printing, they can be used to offer 3D features across verticals. Various industries, like construction and healthcare, will benefit from these future-proof applications. The IKEA Place app, for example, offers customers an online catalog of over 2,000 products they can try in a room with a few touches. You can’t beat it!
  • Performance improvement of GPS
The precision of information delivery through GPS-based mobile applications will improve. 5G’s speed improvements and better connection will boost the performance of navigation applications by ensuring real-time accuracy. The automotive industry will benefit from these apps. Autonomous vehicles will become more efficient as a result. By connecting wearable devices and portable devices, they are also able to deliver better-connected experiences.
  • Improved compatibility with the cloud
With 5G technology, scalability is an important feature. Transferring files to the cloud will be faster and easier thanks to the extremely high transmission rates. Consequently, data storage and infrastructure are being shifted to the cloud. To reduce the dependence on device hardware, mobile app developers will incorporate cloud accessibility into their work. The seamless access to cloud storage will be made possible by low latency and high performance.
  • Limitations on hardware and 24/7 Internet access are reduced
Hardware limitations will not affect 5G mobile apps. Powered by real-time connectivity and cloud-based services, the technology empowers developers to deliver personalized interactions. With 5G, devices are less likely to drop off the network since the network is stronger and more battery-efficient. Through such constant connectivity, companies can offer their mobile apps a better level of ambient connectivity, allowing users to work from anywhere. 5G Calls for the Next-Gen Mobile App Testing The fact that 5G is all set to redefine how we think mobile at the moment, calls for mobile development to stretch the boundaries. Given that, it is time we brace up for the next-generation of mobile app testing capabilities and readiness. This further opens rooms for more experimentation, specialization within the various branches of mobile app testing, and performance to touch new heights.   Final thoughts As a result of technological headways, the next generation of mobile networks will provide a tremendous level of data transmission speed than the current generation. In the current state of development, new types of communication are spreading around the world. Eventually, 4G will cover all areas that already have access to it. Wireless communications have been radically altered with the advent of 5G. It is still in its infancy, and so much remains to be perfected. As the world’s fastest network, 5G has a lot to offer, even if there is some dubitation at this moment. Developers and users will both benefit from 5G as it is here to stay. Embrace 5G’s benefits and unleash its power. As technology advances, it is closest to people!  
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Written by Infiwave Solutions