With the number of mobile users worldwide reaching 7 billion this year, and still counting, ensuring a great app performance becomes highly inevitable. Mobile app testing takes the center stage here – calling for mobile app owners to employ dedicated, seasoned and reliable mobile app testing teams.

Given the scale and volumes of app testing needs, outsourcing of mobile app testing comes across promising and relevant.  It helps expand scope, coverage, efficiency, and quality of mobile applications on multiple devices.

Mobile App Testing: Why Outsource It?

Outsourcing, when done right, can be highly rewarding. It helps add a greater accountability and hence, assurance for the testing of applications that complete with millions of other apps in the app stores every day. Outsourcing can help add multiple levels of quality checks thereby helping you to identify issues and flaws effectively – before it reaches the user.

  1. Easy access to new models of mobiles

In the third quarter of 2021, 47.5 million mobile units were sold, reportedly. Being produced by different manufacturers, and having different hardware components and software features, testing becomes important. But testing mobile apps are fraught by a lack of testing devices, especially newer models.

The cost of ensuring device diversity coverage becomes quite high when QA for mobile apps is handled in-house. As a result, outsourcing mobile app testing to third parties is a more practical option since they have the means and expertise to make better use of new mobile devices.

  1. Automation of Mobile App Testing

Automating the testing of mobile apps is made necessary by two extraneous factors. These include:

  • Cost of testing: The general perception is that mobile applications need to be inexpensive to be reliable, accurate, and perform well. Keeping testing costs low while ensuring dependability can only be achieved through automation.
  • Layered testing approach: Glitches, errors, and bugs commonly arise when there is a lack of interoperability between an app’s framework, OS, and hardware. Testing of mobile apps using automation allows layered testing and enables app-level failures to be distinguished from those being caused by OS or app framework issues.

Testing mobile apps properly, therefore, rely on automation. Automating internal processes can be costly and time-consuming, so it makes more sense to outsource them as the outsourced vendors are experienced and have their expertise in frameworks and tools to automate mobile testing.

  1. Diversified testing methods can be handled easily

Various aspects of mobile apps must be thoroughly tested for ensuring superior performance. The same test needs to be run for functional and non-functional purposes. Here are some examples:

In Non-functional testing, we look at evaluating whether the app is being displayed correctly on the platforms and devices on which it will be used. As well as checking whether the mobile app is operating properly on different mobile devices, it checks for adequate data rendering. A mobile app’s memory and energy consumption should be assessed to ensure that they won’t drain the device’s battery. Testers should keep the battery backup in mind when deciding whether to purchase a smartphone.

During functional testing, the mobile application is evaluated both on the client-side and on the server-side to assess its ability to work in different environments. Functional testing ensures the quality of the application, reduces the risk of malfunctions, and ensures customer satisfaction. In many countries, mobile apps are required to meet accessibility requirements. The app helps ensure that everyone can use it, including those with disabilities.

Mobile app testing covers a wide range of topics. As a result, in-house testing for all of the above becomes difficult.

  1. Test of App Compatibility

Each mobile device manufacturing has its features. Screen size, resolution, hardware, version, etc. are among them. Therefore, mobile apps need to be tested on a wide range of devices to make sure that they are compatible. Some of the important aspects of it are:

  • A screen-size-appropriate user interface
  • Content that is accessible and not partially hidden
  • The ability to minimize the app’s functionality

App testing service providers are best suited to test for compatibility across devices.

  1. Effective Crowdsourced Testing Becomes Possible

It is necessary to hire third-party app testers to perform crowdsourced testing on mobile apps. These testers allow the application to be authenticated according to real-world usage scenarios. Testers can gather feedback and gain an accurate understanding of how the app works, which streamlines the process of catching bugs. It is important for the following reasons:

  • Each mobile device uses a different platform
  • Wireless connectivity infrastructures support a variety of mobile apps

It’s a must to test the mobile app for its performance in different geographic locations with varying language requirements since mobile apps are designed to be used with location-based services.

  1. Spike Needs Can Be Handled

Mobile app development today is characterized by shorter release cycles. Outsourcing its testing enables companies to handle spike needs since the time to market for mobile apps has declined considerably. Due to this, outsourcing testing services in times of increased app development activity saves time and reduces costs.

Companies can ensure timely deployment of quality products by outsourcing the testing of their mobile apps, ensuring their goodwill and stability. In addition, it gives them an advantage over the competition.

  1. Cost-Effectiveness- saving a good amount of money

It can save you time, resources, and money to outsource software testing services. An in-house testing team can be quite expensive (hiring, training, and providing resources). Outsourcing can reduce costs in the ensuing ways:

  1. You can identify problems sooner with the help of an experienced outsourced software testing team.
  2. The cost of hiring full-time software testers can be reduced by outsourcing mobile app testing.
  3. A third-party company would handle all logistics so you wouldn’t need to invest anything into additional technology to get testing done.
  4. In addition to saving time and money, outsourcing your software testing function will give you more opportunities for revenue generation as a business.

Summing Up

Your stress around running the business smoothly, can reflect badly on the performance and delivery of customer experience through your mobile app. By outsourcing Mobile App Testing you can save time and other resources and in fact, maximize them while developing better software products much faster by delegating software testing to an expert team. You can achieve better and faster results with the right QA testing company by ensuring you are in complete control of the software solution.

About the Author

Written by Infiwave Solutions