- April 8, 2022
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Why Independent Software Testing should be seriously considered
Collaboration and teamwork are always encouraged in today’s workplace. In most circumstances this brings out the best in everyone and helps organisations to prosper and grow. The situation can be quite different when it comes to testing software as by its very nature the best testing is often done by a third party who sits outside of the development team. Using outsourced testing services will give you unbiased testing that results in the best possible outcome in terms of quality and cost.
The Benefits of Independent Testing
Unbiased Testing
For unbiased software testing it is essential that businesses assign the development and testing work to different teams. A single team for both development and testing may generate a lack of objectivity and could lead to undetected errors in the software. Having two different teams for both roles will ensure unbiased testing. In-house teams can often be vulnerable to bias and therefore, outsourced software testing to a specialist company would ensure that testing free from any such bias.
Cost Effectiveness
Cost is always a major factor to consider in any project and whilst it should not be compromised so that it affects the overall quality it is still important to ensure that you can keep your project within budget. It simply does not make economic sense to hire permanent staff for a project where the resource requirement are variable in terms of skill sets and volume.
One of the main reasons for outsourcing is to have the required resources readily available with the ability to scale up or down depending on the stage of the project. This gives you access to a wider range of skill sets as and when you need them.
Project Timelines
Project delays add to costs and can spoil your reputation with late product releases to your users and customers. A bottleneck in the testing process can considerably delay a project. Outsourcing enables you to minimize the risk by providing the right amount of skilled resource as and when the project needs it.
Testing Expertise
When you outsource your testing to a specialized testing company you have the advantage of having access to the latest best practice in software testing. You will be able to associate with an experienced QA team that can help to identify the best tools and technology for testing your application.
Testing Framework
A good software testing services provider will help you to set up a tried and tested framework for your testing. This is a set of guidelines that includes coding standards, test-data handling, object repository treatment amongst other things. The beneficial outcome of using a framework are increased code re-usage, higher portability, reduced script maintenance cost etc.
Testing Automation
Testing Automation should be a part of a company’s testing strategy. It is sometimes difficult to get started with Testing Automation due to the plethora of different tools and methodologies. A competent team of testing specialists can have a better understanding of test automation tools and methodologies used in the process. By outsourcing QA to a company that has hands-on experience in automated testing and is familiar with using the most recent methodologies can give you the best possible chance of success.
You cannot underestimate the importance of testing. The reputation of your company and the satisfaction of your customers depends on you releasing quality software in a timely manner. Many companies have had great ideas and products but have failed to deliver the quality of software required to be successful.
Software testing from a business perspective can be a challenging task unless it is supported by the right resources. For software to be failsafe, QA or software testing is important, and hence, outsourcing this task to a specialist company eases the burden to a great extent. Earlier, outsourcing was just a technique used to cut down costs. However, in recent times, it has become an effective strategy for achieving better business objectives.
Assigning the task of Quality Assurance to a specialist QA and software testing company main accelerates the entire Software Development process, ensuring productivity, objectivity, and efficiency. In addition, by outsourcing, companies can massively reduce their QA costs.
About the Author
Written by Infiwave Solutions